Raising Issues

The raise issue functionality on GitHub can be used for comments, remarks or questions. If you find yourself stuck at a problem and it won’t budge head over to GitHub and raise an issue. Here, I will show you how to raise an issue, that references a specific line in the python_basics introduction. From the main github page (https://github.com/kevinsawade/start-science-here) I make my way to the file containing the line I want to reference in a new issue. I go to python_tutorial/01_python_basics.ipynb. If you can’t find a file inside a GitHub repository, you can try the search bar in the top left. However, I know where the file is and want to raise an issue from a line in that file. This file is special, because GitHub renders the ipython notebook file (.ipynb), just like it would render .pdf, .png and r.st files (Have a look at https://github.com/kevinsawade/start-science-here/blob/main/docs/source/index.rst to see a rendered .rst file). I will enter the unrendered raw view via the <> button:

Image showing how to view a raw file.

Once in the raw view, I will raise an issue from a line by clicking the three dots at the start and selecting “reference in new issue”.

Image showing how to raise issue from line.

I will then give the issue a descriptive name and some text. This window is basically the same, as if you were raising a simple issue, but it references the line I raised the issue from via a link.

Image showing how to compose an issue.

After that I will wait for someone to address my issue. In this case, I will answer my own issue from another account. :)

How an issue is resolved.

The issue has been resolved via a new git commit that implements a solution to my issue.