Module main

Convert python Todos to github issues


This module converts todos from your project to issues on github. I took lots of inspiration from Alastair Mooney's todo-to-issue-action, which is a much more complete library and allows more languages than just python. However, it does not recognize google-style Todo labels , doesn't allow to skip todos (like doctest's skip) and has a proprietary diff parser instead of using unidiff.


This repo offers a GitHub action, that can be integrated into your GitHub workflows. If you are confident with GitHub actions, you can follow the quickstart on this projects page to quickly set up the this action. Otherwise you can follow these instructions:

  • Visit the GitHub marketplace and find the latest version of this action:
  • If you want to have a dedicated bot open the issues you have to create a token with the issue scope on your tokens page:
  • Go to the settings of the repo you want to use this action in and add the token as a new repository secret. Give it a descriptive name, like CUSTOM_ISSUE_TOKEN.
  • Create a .yml file at .github/workflows/todo-to-issue.yml with this syntax:
name: Todo-to-Issue

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

    # The type of runner that the job will run on
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        python-version: [3.9]

      - name: Checkout 🛎️
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Create Issues ✔️
        uses: kevinsawade/python-todo-to-issue@latest
          # GitHub Bot will open the issues:
          TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          # Provide a custom secret
          # TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CUSTOM_ISSUE_TOKEN }}

All your todos will be converted to issues, once you push to github.

What is regarded as a Todo?

First of all: Only Todos from commits are used as issues. If you have old Todos in your module, you need to remove them, commit and then include them again.

Todos are searched for in comments which start with # Todo:. You can expand these comments with the assignee of the issue. For this you put the github username of a maintainer, developer or owner of a repo in parentheses. You can also write multi-line todos, by indenting them with extra spaces. Using this multi-line syntax, you can add labels and milestone to an issue.

# todo: This is a simple in-line todo. This will be the title of the issue.

# todo (kevinsawade): I will fix this weird contraption.

# Todo: This is the title of a mutli-line issue.
#  This is the body of the multi-line issue. Here, you can specify
#  What needs to be done to fix this issue. Issues are automatically
#  closed, once the Todo is removed from the file. You can set assignees,
#  labels and milestone like so:
#  assignees: kevinsawade, github_user3
#  labels: devel, bug
#  milestone: release

Besides these in-line Todos, Todos from google-style formatted docstrings will also be picked up. The general style is the same. Indentation is done via 4 spaces. Assignees can be put in parentheses or as an extra line in multi-line Todos.

def myfunc(arg1):
    """This is the overview docstring.

    This is more detailed info to the function `myfunc`.

        arg1 (str): Argument `arg1` should be of type `str`.

        * Single-line Todos are introduced as a single bullet-point.
        * This line becomes the title of the GitHub issue.
        * (kevinsawade) Assignees are put into parentheses.
        * Titles for multi-line Todos are also bullet-points.
            But the body is indented according to google's styleguide.
            Assignees, labels and milestones are added similar to the in-line
            Todos. Once the Todo has been removed from the file, the issue
            is closed.
            assignees: kevinsawade, github_user2
            labels: devel, bug
            milestone: alpha

return 'Hello!' + arg1

Excluding Todos From Being Turned Into Issues

To skip todos you can add todo: +SKIP after the todo-line. This one is not case insensitive and only works if you use it verbose.

Todos After Code Lines

If you write your Todos after code lines like so:

a = str(1) # todo: This line is bad code
b = '2' # todo (kevinsawade): This line is better.

You can add these after-code-todos with an additional INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE option to the yaml file:

- name: Create Issues ✔️
        uses: kevinsawade/python-todo-to-issue@latest
          TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE: ${{ true }}

Coverage Report

Access the coverage report under:

Classes And Functions

The remainder of this page contains the functions and classes used to run this action. These functions and classes contain their own documentation which might help in debugging/ reusing parts of this code.

Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# python-todo-to-issue/

# Copyright (c) 2021, Kevin Sawade (
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
#   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of any
#   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
#   from this software without specific prior written permission.
# This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# Find the GNU Lesser General Public License under <>.
Convert python Todos to github issues


This module converts todos from your project to issues on github. I took lots
of inspiration from Alastair Mooney's <a href="">todo-to-issue-action</a>,
which is a much more complete library and allows more languages than just python.
However, it does not recognize google-style <a href="">Todo labels</a>
, doesn't allow to skip todos (like doctest's skip) and has a proprietary diff
parser instead of using <a href="">unidiff</a>.


This repo offers a GitHub action, that can be integrated into your GitHub workflows.
If you are confident with GitHub actions, you can follow the quickstart on this projects <a href=""></a>.
page to quickly set up the this action. Otherwise you can follow these instructions:

- Visit the GitHub marketplace and find the latest version of this action:
- If you want to have a dedicated bot open the issues you have to create a token with the issue scope on your tokens page:
- Go to the settings of the repo you want to use this action in and add the token as a new repository secret. Give it a descriptive name, like CUSTOM_ISSUE_TOKEN.
- Create a .yml file at .github/workflows/todo-to-issue.yml with this syntax:

name: Todo-to-Issue

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

    # The type of runner that the job will run on
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        python-version: [3.9]

      - name: Checkout 🛎️
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Create Issues ✔️
        uses: kevinsawade/python-todo-to-issue@latest
          # GitHub Bot will open the issues:
          TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          # Provide a custom secret
          # TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CUSTOM_ISSUE_TOKEN }}


All your todos will be converted to issues, once you push to github.

What is regarded as a Todo?

First of all: Only Todos from commits are used as issues. If you have old Todos
in your module, you need to remove them, commit and then include them again.

Todos are searched for in comments which start with ``# Todo:``. You can expand
these comments with the assignee of the issue. For this you put the github
username of a maintainer, developer or owner of a repo in parentheses. You can
also write multi-line todos, by indenting them with extra spaces. Using this
multi-line syntax, you can add labels and milestone to an issue.

# todo: This is a simple in-line todo. This will be the title of the issue.

# todo (kevinsawade): I will fix this weird contraption.

# Todo: This is the title of a mutli-line issue.
#  This is the body of the multi-line issue. Here, you can specify
#  What needs to be done to fix this issue. Issues are automatically
#  closed, once the Todo is removed from the file. You can set assignees,
#  labels and milestone like so:
#  assignees: kevinsawade, github_user3
#  labels: devel, bug
#  milestone: release

Besides these in-line Todos, Todos from google-style formatted docstrings will
also be picked up. The general style is the same. Indentation is done via
4 spaces. Assignees can be put in parentheses or as an extra line in multi-line Todos.

def myfunc(arg1):
    \"\"\"This is the overview docstring.

    This is more detailed info to the function `myfunc`.

        arg1 (str): Argument `arg1` should be of type `str`.

        * Single-line Todos are introduced as a single bullet-point.
        * This line becomes the title of the GitHub issue.
        * (kevinsawade) Assignees are put into parentheses.
        * Titles for multi-line Todos are also bullet-points.
            But the body is indented according to google's styleguide.
            Assignees, labels and milestones are added similar to the in-line
            Todos. Once the Todo has been removed from the file, the issue
            is closed.
            assignees: kevinsawade, github_user2
            labels: devel, bug
            milestone: alpha

return 'Hello!' + arg1

Excluding Todos from being turned into issues

To skip todos you can add ``todo: +SKIP`` after the todo-line. This one is not
case insensitive and only works if you use it verbose.

Todos after code lines

If you write your Todos after code lines like so:


a = str(1) # todo: This line is bad code
b = '2' # todo (kevinsawade): This line is better.

You can add these after-code-todos with an additional
`INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE` option to the yaml file:

- name: Create Issues ✔️
        uses: kevinsawade/python-todo-to-issue@latest
          TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE: ${{ true }}

Coverage Report

Access the coverage report under:

Classes and Functions

The remainder of this page contains the functions and classes used to run this
action. These functions and classes contain their own documentation which might
help in debugging/ reusing parts of this code.

# Globals

# __all__ = ['main', 'GitHubClient']

# Regex Patterns

# Thanks to Alastair Mooney's regexes

# INLINE_TODO_PATTERN = r'\s*#\s(?i)todo(\:|\s)(\s|\().*'
INLINE_TODO_PATTERN = r'\s*#\s(?i)todo(\S|\s)(\s|\S|\().*'
DOCSTRING_TODO_PATTERN = r'\s*\*\s*(\(.*|.*)'

# Imports

from enum import Enum
import ast, os, requests, json, git, re, unittest
from unidiff import PatchSet
from io import StringIO
from time import sleep

# Functions

def join_lines(issue, line_break):
    """Joins lines using a defined line_break.

        issue (Issue): An `Issue` instance.
        line_break (str): The line-break used in `GitHubClient`.

        str: A string with the formatted issue body.

    annotation = "This issue was automatically created by a github action that converts project Todos to issues."
    return annotation + '\n\n' + line_break.join(issue.body)

def get_body(issue, url, line_break):
    """Constructs a body with issue and url.

        issue (Issue): An `Issue` instance.
        url (str): The url constructed from `GitHubClient`.
        line_break (str): The line-break used in `GitHubClient`.

        str: A string with the body of the issue.

    formatted_issue_body = join_lines(issue, line_break)
    formatted = (formatted_issue_body + '\n\n'
                 + url + '\n\n'
                 + '```' + issue.markdown_language + '\n'
                 + issue.hunk + '\n'
                 + '```')
    return formatted

def _get_assignees(lines):
    assignees = []
    if len(lines) > 1:
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            if line.lstrip().startswith('assignees:'):
                line = line.lstrip().lstrip('assignees:')
                assignees = [elem.strip() for elem in line.strip().split(',')]
        return lines, assignees
    elif len(lines) == 1:
        if '(' in lines[0]:
            s = lines[0]
            assignees = s[s.find("(") + 1:s.find(")")]
            lines[0] = lines[0].replace('(' + assignees + ')', '')
            assignees = [elem.strip() for elem in assignees.strip().split(',')]
        return lines, assignees

def _get_labels(lines):
    labels = []
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.lstrip().startswith('labels:'):
            line = line.lstrip().lstrip('labels:')
            labels = [elem.strip() for elem in line.strip().split(',')]
    return lines, labels

def _get_milestone(lines):
    milestone = None
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.lstrip().startswith(('milestone:', 'milestones:')):
            if 'milestone:' in line:
                milestone = line.lstrip().lstrip('milestone:').strip()
            elif 'milestones:' in line:
                milestone = line.lstrip().lstrip('milestones:').strip()
    return lines, milestone

# Classes

class LineStatus(Enum):
    """Represents the status of a line in a diff file."""
    ADDED = 0
    DELETED = 1

testing_values = dict(
    title='TEST AUTO ISSUE',
        'This issue is automatically created by Unittests. If this issue is not automatically closed, tests have failed.'],
    hunk="# This is the code block that would normally be attached to the issue.\ndef function()\n    return 'Hi!'",

class Issue:
    """Issue class, filled with attributes to create issues from.

        title (str): The title of the issue.
        labels (list[str]): Labels, that should be added to the issue. Default
            labels contains the 'todo' label.
        assignees (list[str]): Can be []. Assignees need to be maintainer
            of the repository.
        milestone (Union[str, None]): Can be None. Milestone needs to be one of
            the already defined milestones in the repo.
        body (list[str]): The lines of the issue body. The issue body will
            automatically appended with a useful url and a markdown code block
            defined in `hunk`.
        hunk (str): Newline separated string of code, that produced the todo.
        file_name (str): Name of the file that produced the todo. If file is
            somewhere, the path starting from repo root needs te be included.
        start_line (str): The line where the todo comment starts.
        markdown_language (str): The language of `hunk`.
        status (LineStatus): An instance of the `LineStatus` Enum class.


    def __init__(self, testing=0, **kwargs):
        if testing:
            for key, val in testing_values.items():
                self.__setattr__(key, val)

        for key, val in kwargs.items():
            self.__setattr__(key, val)
        for key in testing_values.keys():
            except AttributeError:
                raise TypeError(f'__init__() missing 1 required argument: {key}')
        if 'todo' not in self.labels:

    def __str__(self):
        string = f"Title: {self.title}, assignees: [{', '.join(self.assignees)}], milestone: {self.milestone}, status: {self.status}]\n"
        return string

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

class GitHubClient():
    """Class to interact with GitHub, read and create issues.

    This class interacts with GitHub via and reads issues from
    repositories. The default behavior is, that it uses git-python to get the
    url of the current remote origin. This name of the repo is usually built
    like this: user_name/repo_name or org_name/repo_name. git-python is also
    used to get the sha of the current commit and the previous commit.

    About tokens: To work with private repos and to have the ability to close
    issues in a repository, this class needs github token, sometimes also called
    a secret. The secret can be created in your github account. Visit and click 'Generate a new token'. Check
    the 'repo' scope and give the token a descriptive name. If the repo lies
    within an organisation, the token of a user with access rights to the org
    repo, will suffice.

    About secrets: This token should not fall into the wrong hands. However, in
    production and in testing the token is needed. In production, the token can
    be provided as a secret. Add the token as a secret in the settings page of
    your repo. In testing, the token is provided by placing a file called
    'secrets' in the repo's root directory.

        existing_issues (list): A list of existing issues.
        testing (bool): Used, when this class is used in testing. Changes some
        repo (str): A string of 'user_name/repo_name' or 'org_name/repo_name'
            which identifies the repo on
        sha (str): The 7 character sha hash of the current commit.
        before (str): The 7 character sha hash of the previous commit.
        token (str): A github token.
        base_url (str): A string containing ''.
        repos_url (str): base_url + 'repos/'
        issues_url (str): GitHub API url pointing to a url with the current
            repo's issues.
        issue_headers (dict): A dict to provide to requests.get() as header.


    def __init__(self, testing=0):
        """Instantiate the GitHubClient.

        Keyword Args:
            testing (bool, optional): Whether class is used during testing.

        # set some attributes right from the start
        self.existing_issues = []
        self.testing = testing

        self.repo = os.environ['INPUT_REPO']
        self.sha = os.environ['INPUT_SHA']
        self.before = os.environ['INPUT_BEFORE']

        # get before and current hash
        if self.testing == 1:
            self.sha = '036ef2ca'
            self.before = '11858e41'
        elif self.testing == 2:
            self.sha = '7fae83cc'
            self.before = '036ef2ca'

        # get the token from environment variables
        self.token = os.getenv('INPUT_TOKEN')

        # define line break. Can also be \n\n which formats multi-line todos
        # nicer.
        self.line_break = '\n'

        # set other attributes
        self.base_url = ''
        self.repos_url = f'{self.base_url}repos/'
        self.issues_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/issues'
        self.issue_headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'

        # get current issues

    def get_specific_diff(self, before, after):
        """Get the diff based on specific commits"""
        diff_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/compare/{before}...{after}'
        diff_headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3.diff',
            'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'
        diff_request = requests.get(url=diff_url, headers=diff_headers)
        if diff_request.status_code == 200:
            return diff_request.text
        raise Exception('Could not retrieve diff. Operation will abort.')

    def get_last_diff(self):
        """Get the last diff based on the SHA of the last two commits."""
        diff_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/compare/{self.before}...{self.sha}'
        diff_headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3.diff',
            'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'
        diff_request = requests.get(url=diff_url, headers=diff_headers)
        if diff_request.status_code == 200:
            return diff_request.text
        raise Exception('Could not retrieve diff. Operation will abort.')

    def get_file_at_commit(self, filepath, commit):
        """Returns a string, with the file contents at the current hashed commit.

            filepath (str): Path to the file from repo root.
            commit (str): The short-hash, 7-digit commit.

              str: The contents of the file.

        raw_file_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/contents/{filepath}?ref={commit}'
        raw_file_headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw',
            'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'
        raw_file_request = requests.get(url=raw_file_url, headers=raw_file_headers)
        if raw_file_request.status_code == 200:
            return raw_file_request.text

    def _get_repo_url(self, remote_url):
        """Construct repo url from ssh or https repo urls"""
        if '@' not in remote_url:
            self.repo = remote_url.lstrip('').rstrip('.git')
            self.repo = remote_url.lstrip('').rstrip('.git')

    def _get_existing_issues(self, page=1):
        """Populate the existing issues list."""
        params = {
            'per_page': 100,
            'page': page,
            'state': 'open',
            'labels': 'todo'
        list_issues_request = requests.get(self.issues_url, headers=self.issue_headers, params=params)
        if list_issues_request.status_code == 200:
            # check
            links = list_issues_request.links
            if 'next' in links:
                self._get_existing_issues(page + 1)

    def is_same_issue(issue, other_issue, line_break):
        """Compares two issues.

            issue (Issue): Instance of `Issue`.
            other_issue (dict): Json dict returned from GitHub API of another issue.
            url_to_line (str): The url built by the `GitHubClient`.
            line_break (str): The line-break used in `GitHubClient`.

            bool: Whether issues are identical or not.

        # check title
        a = issue.title == other_issue['title']
        if not '' in other_issue['body']:
            return a
            # check issue text
            this_text = join_lines(issue, line_break).rstrip()
            other_text = other_issue['body'].split('')[0].rstrip()
            b = this_text == other_text

        return a and b

    def create_issue(self, issue):
        """Creates issue on github from an Issue class.

        Keyword Args:
            issue (Issue): An instance of the `Issue` class in this document.

        # truncate issue title if too long
        title = issue.title
        if len(title) > 80:
            title = title[:80] + '...'

        # define url to line
        url_to_line = f'{self.repo}/blob/{self.sha}/{issue.file_name}#L{issue.start_line}'

        # construct the issue body
        body = get_body(issue, url_to_line, self.line_break)

        # Alastair Mooney's has problems with rebasing. Let's see how this works out
        # One could use GitHub's GraphQL API
        for existing_issue in self.existing_issues:
            if self.__class__.is_same_issue(issue, existing_issue, self.line_break):
                # The issue_id matching means the issue issues are identical.
                print(f'Skipping issue (already exists)')

        new_issue_body = {'title': title, 'body': body, 'labels': issue.labels}

        # check whether milestones are existent
        if issue.milestone:
            milestone_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/milestones/{issue.milestone}'
            milestone_request = requests.get(url=milestone_url, headers=self.issue_headers)
            if milestone_request.status_code == 200:
                new_issue_body['milestone'] = issue.milestone
                print(f'Milestone {issue.milestone} does not exist! Dropping this parameter!')

        # check whether label exists
        valid_assignees = []
        for assignee in issue.assignees:
            assignee_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/assignees/{assignee}'
            assignee_request = requests.get(url=assignee_url, headers=self.issue_headers)
            if assignee_request.status_code == 204:
                print(f'Assignee {assignee} does not exist! Dropping this assignee!')
        new_issue_body['assignees'] = valid_assignees

        new_issue_request =, headers=self.issue_headers,

        return new_issue_request.status_code

    def close_issue(self, issue):
        """Check to see if this issue can be found on GitHub and if so close it.
        Keyword Args:
            issue (Issue): An instance of the `Issue` class in this document.
        matched = 0
        issue_number = None
        for existing_issue in self.existing_issues:
            # This is admittedly a simple check that may not work in complex scenarios, but we can't deal with them yet.
            if self.__class__.is_same_issue(issue, existing_issue, self.line_break):
                matched += 1
                # If there are multiple issues with similar titles, don't try and close any.
                if matched > 1:
                    print(f'Skipping issue (multiple matches)')
                issue_number = existing_issue['number']
            if matched == 0 and self.testing:
                raise Exception(f"Couldn't match issue {issue.title}, {issue.body}")
                # The titles match, so we will try and close the issue.
                update_issue_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/issues/{issue_number}'
                body = {'state': 'closed'}
                close_issue_request = requests.patch(update_issue_url, headers=self.issue_headers, data=json.dumps(body))

                issue_comment_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/issues/{issue_number}/comments'
                body = {'body': f'Closed in {self.sha}'}
                update_issue_request =, headers=self.issue_headers,
                return update_issue_request.status_code, close_issue_request.status_code

class ToDo:
    """Class that parses google-style docstring todos from git diff hunks.

        line (unidiff.Line): The line that triggered this todo.
        block (list[str]): The lines following the title of multi-line
            todos. Every line is one string in this list of str.
        status (LineStatus): The status of the ToDo. Can be ADDED or DELETED>
        markdown_language (str): What markdown language to use. Defaults to
        hunk (unidiff.Hunk): The hunk that contains the line. Will be converted
            to code block in the issue.
        file_name (str): The path of the file from which the todo was extracted.
        target_line (Union[str, int]): The line number from which the
            todo was raised. Is used to create a permalink url to that line.
        assignees (list[str]): The assignees of the issue.
        labels (list[str]): The labels of the issue.
        milestone (Union[None, str]): The milestone of the issue.
        title (str): The title of the issue, once the block input
            argument has been parsed.
        body (Union[str, list[str]]): The body of the issue. Can be empty string
            (no body_, or list of str for every line in body.


    def __init__(self, line, block, hunk, file):
        """Instantiate the ToDo Class.

            line (unidiff.Line): The line from which the todo was raised.
            block (str): The complete indented block, the ToDo was raised from.
                Including the title.
            hunk (unidiff.Hunk): The hunk of diff from wich the todo was triggered.
            file (unidiff.File): The file, from which the diff was

        self.line = line

        if line.is_added:
            self.status = LineStatus.ADDED
            self.status = LineStatus.DELETED

        self.block = block.strip()
        self.markdown_language = 'python'
        self.hunk = ''.join([l.value for l in hunk.target_lines()])
        if self.hunk.count('"""') == 1:
            if '"""' in self.hunk[:int(len(self.hunk) / 2)]:
                self.hunk = self.hunk + '"""\n'
                self.hunk = '"""\n' + self.hunk
        self.file_name = file.target_file.lstrip('b/')
        self.target_line = line.target_line_no

        # parse the block

    def _parse_block(self):
        """Parses the `block` argument and extacts more info."""
        lines = self.block.split('\n')
        lines, self.assignees = _get_assignees(lines)
        lines, self.labels = _get_labels(lines)
        lines, self.milestone = _get_milestone(lines)
        if len(lines) > 1:
            self.title, self.body = lines[0].lstrip(), '\n'.join(lines[1:])
            self.body = [line.lstrip() for line in self.body.splitlines()]
            self.title = lines[0].lstrip()
            self.body = ""

    def issue(self):
        issue = Issue(
            labels=['todo'] + self.labels,
        return issue

    def __bool__(self):
        return True

class TodoParser:
    """Class that parses git diffs and looks for todo strings.

    First things first, the Todos can be skipped with a syntax similar to doctest.
    Adding 'todo: +SKIP' to the line skips the todo. The example
    todos which follow now all contain this SKIP command, because we don't want
    this class to raise issues in the explanatory section. Here are examples of
    how to put todos that will be picked up by this parser:

        A single commented line starting with todo (case insensitive).::

            # todo: This needs to be looked into. todo: +SKIP

        Using parentheses, you can assign people to todos. If these people are
        part of the github repo, they will be assigned to the issue, that is
        raised from this todo. Please use their github username::

            # todo (tensorflower-gardener): Tensorflow's bot should fix this. todo: +SKIP

        With extended syntax you can add existing labels and exisitng milestones
        to your todos.::

            # todo: This is the title of the todo. todo: +SKIP
            #  Further text is indented by a single space. It will appear
            #  In the body of the issue. You can add assignees, and labels
            #  with this syntax. The `todo` label will automatically
            #  added to your labels.
            #  assignees: github_user, kevinsawade, another_user
            #  labels: devel, urgent
            #  milestones: alpha

        Besides these in-comment todos, this class also scans for google-style
        todo's in python docstrings.::

            def myfunc(arg1):
                '''This is a docstring.

                    arg1: A thing.

                    * Single-line Todo. Add more documentation. todo: +SKIP
                    * (kevinsawade) We should also add some actual code. todo: +SKIP
                    * Multi-line todos should follow google-styleguide. todo: +SKIP
                        This means a tab should be used as indentation inside
                        the docstrings. This will form the body of the issue.
                        Assignees and labels can be added the same way:
                        assignees: github_user2, user3
                        labels: wontfix, devel
                        milestones: alpha


        issues (list[Issue]): A list of Issue instances.
        testing (bool): Whether testing is carried out.
        repo (str): A url to the current repo.


    def __init__(self, testing=0, client=None):
        """Instantiate the TodoParser class.

        Keyword Args:
            testing (bool, optional): Whether testing is carried out with this
                class. Defaults to False.
            client (GitHubClient): Instance of github client to precent multiple

        self.testing = testing
        self.issues = []
        if client is None:
            self.client = GitHubClient(testing=self.testing)
            self.client = client

    def _parse(self):
        """Parse the diffs and search for todos in added lines."""
        # read env variables
        self.repo = os.environ['INPUT_REPO']
        self.sha = os.environ['INPUT_SHA']
        self.before = os.environ['INPUT_BEFORE']
        if 'INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE' in os.environ:
            if isinstance(os.environ['INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE'], str):
                self.include_todo_after_code_line = os.environ['INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE'] in ['true', 'True']
                self.include_todo_after_code_line = os.environ['INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE']
            self.include_todo_after_code_line = False

        # get before and current hash
        if self.testing == 1:
            self.sha = '036ef2c'
            self.before = '11858e4'
            self.diff = self.client.get_specific_diff(self.before, self.sha)
        elif self.testing == 2:
            self.sha = '7fae83c'
            self.before = '036ef2c'
            self.diff = self.client.get_specific_diff(self.before, self.sha)
        elif self.testing == 3:
            self.sha = '67b1e23'
            self.before = '63fa247'
            self.diff = self.client.get_specific_diff(self.before, self.sha)
            self.diff = self.client.get_last_diff()

        # create patchset from diff
        patchset = PatchSet(self.diff)

        for file in patchset:
            # handle the file before
            file_before = file.source_file.lstrip('a/')
            if file_before == 'dev/null':
                file_before = StringIO('')
                file_before = StringIO(self.client.get_file_at_commit(file_before, self.before))

            # handle the file after
            file_after = file.target_file.lstrip('b/')
            if not file_after.endswith('.py'):
            file_after = StringIO(self.client.get_file_at_commit(file_after, self.sha))

            # parse before and after todos
            with file_before as f:
                todos_before = extract_todos_from_file(, self.testing, self.include_todo_after_code_line)
            with file_after as f:
                todos_now = extract_todos_from_file(, self.testing, self.include_todo_after_code_line)

            # iterate over hunks and lines
            for hunk in file:
                lines = list(hunk.source_lines()) + list(hunk.target_lines())
                for i, line in enumerate(lines):
                    if block := is_todo_line(line, todos_before, todos_now, self.testing):
                        todo = ToDo(line, block, hunk, file)
                        issue = todo.issue

def is_todo_line(line, todos_before, todos_now, testing=0):
    """Two cases: Line starts with any combination of # Todo, or line starts with
    asterisk and is inside a napoleon docstring todo header.

    Also filter out todo: +SKIP.

        line (unidiff.Line): A line instance.
        todos_before (list[str]): Todos from the source file.
        todos_now (list[str]): Todos from the target file.

    Keyword Args:
        testing (bool, optional): Set True for Testing. Defaults to False.

        str: Either an empty string (bool('') = False), when line is not a
            todo line, or a str, when line is a todo line. todo: +SKIP.

    if testing == 2 and line.value == 'I will add many.':
        raise Exception("STOP")
    # check if line has been added or removed
    if line.is_context:
        return ''
    elif line.is_added:
        todos = todos_now
        todos = todos_before

    # check whether line can be a todo line
    if, line.value, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE) and not TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in line.value:
        stripped_line = strip_line(line.value.replace('#', '', 1))
    elif, line.value, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE) and not TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in line.value:
        stripped_line = strip_line(line.value.replace('*', '', 1), with_todo=False)
        return ''

    # get the complete block
    # and build complete issue
    check = [stripped_line in t for t in todos]
    if any(check):
        index = check.index(True)
        block = todos[index]
        return block
        return ''

def extract_todos_from_file(file, testing=0, include_todo_after_code_line=False):
    """Parses a file and extracts todos in google-style formatted docstrings.

        file (str): Contents of file.

    Keyword Args:
        testing (bool, optional): If set to True todos containing `todo: +SKIP`
            will be disregarded. Defaults to False.

        list[str]: A list containing the todos from this file.


    # use ast to parse
    docs = []
    parsed_file = ast.parse(file)
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("Exclude this specific exception") from e
    for node in parsed_file.body:
        except TypeError:

    # append docstring todos to list:
    todos = []
    for doc in docs:
        if doc is None:
        blocks = doc.split('\n\n')
        for block in blocks:
            if 'Todo:' in block:
                block = '\n'.join(block.splitlines()[1:])
                block = block.split('* ')[1:]
                if not testing:
                    block = list(filter(lambda x: False if TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in x else True, block))
                block = [strip_line(line, with_todo=False) for line in block]
                block = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('\n ', '\n'), block))

    # get all comments lines starting with hash
    if not include_todo_after_code_line:
        comments_lines = list(
                lambda x: x.strip().replace('#', '', 1),
                    lambda y: True if y.strip().startswith('#') else False,
        comments_lines = []
        for line in file.splitlines():
            if '# todo' in line.lower():
                comments_lines.append(line.split('#', 1)[-1].strip().replace('#', '', 1))

    # iterate over them.
    for i, comment_line in enumerate(comments_lines):
        print(comment_line, not testing and TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in comment_line)
        if not testing and TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in comment_line:
        if comment_line.lower().strip().startswith('todo'):
            block = [strip_line(comment_line)]
            in_block = True
            j = i + 1
            while in_block:
                    todo_body = comments_lines[j].startswith('  ')
                except IndexError:
                    in_block = False
                if todo_body:
                    j += 1
                    in_block = False
            block = '\n'.join(block)

    # and return
    return todos

def strip_line(line, with_whitespace=True, with_todo=True):
    """Strips line from unwanted whitespace. comments chars, and 'todo'.

        line (str): The line to be stripped.

    Keyword Args:
        with_whitespace (bool, optional): Whether to strip the whitespace
            that follows the comment character '#'.
            Defaults to True.
        with_todo (bool, optional): Whether to replace case insensitive
            'todo' strings.

        str: The stripped line.

    if with_whitespace:
        line = line.strip().lstrip('#').lstrip()
        line = line.strip().lstrip('#')
    if with_todo:
        return re.split(r'(?i)todo(\s|\:)', line, 1, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)[-1].strip()
        return line

# Main

def run_tests_from_main():
    """Runs unit-tests when `main()` is called with testing = True."""
    # load a file with secrets if there
        with open('secrets', 'r') as f:
            gh_token = f.readline()
        os.environ['INPUT_TOKEN'] = gh_token
    except FileNotFoundError:

    # run unittests
    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
    test_suite =, 'tests'),
    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
    result =
    return result

def main(testing): # pragma: no cover
    if testing or os.getenv('INPUT_TESTING') == 'true':
        if not os.path.isfile('tests/'):
            raise Exception("Please switch the TESTING argument in your workflow.yml file to 'false'. Tests will only run in the python-todo-to-issue repository.")
        result = run_tests_from_main()
        if not result.wasSuccessful():
            print("Tests were not successful. Exiting.")
            print("Tests were successful")
        if 'INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE' in os.environ:
            todo_after_code_line = os.environ['INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE'] == 'true'
            todo_after_code_line = False
        if todo_after_code_line:
            print("Checking todos that occur after code lines.")
            print("Not Checking todos that occur after code lines.")
        from pprint import pprint
        client = GitHubClient()
        issues = client.existing_issues
        todo_parser = TodoParser(client=client)
        print('complete diff: ', todo_parser.diff)
        issues = todo_parser.issues
        print('all issues: ', issues)
        for i, issue in enumerate(issues):
            print(f"Processing issue {issue}.")
            if issue.status == LineStatus.ADDED:
                status_code = client.create_issue(issue)
                if status_code is None:
                    if status_code == 201:
                        print('Issue created')
                        print(f'Issue could not be created. The status code is {status_code}')
            elif issue.status == LineStatus.DELETED and os.getenv('INPUT_CLOSE_ISSUES') == 'true':
                status_code = client.close_issue(issue)
                if status_code is None:
                if isinstance(status_code, tuple):
                    if status_code[0] == 201:
                        print('Issue closed')
                        print(f"Could not close issue. The status code is {status_code[0]}")
                    if status_code[1] == 201:
                        print('Added close comment to issue')
                        print(f"Could not add a comment to issue. The status code is {status_code[1]}")
                    if status_code == 201:
                        print('Issue closed')
                        print(f"Could not close issue. The status code is {status_code}")
        print("Finished working through the issues.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Python code Todos to github issues.")
    parser.add_argument('--testing', dest='testing', action='store_true',
                        help="Whether a testing run is executed and tests will be conducted.")
    args = parser.parse_args()


def extract_todos_from_file(file, testing=0, include_todo_after_code_line=False)

Parses a file and extracts todos in google-style formatted docstrings.


file : str
Contents of file.

Keyword Args: testing (bool, optional): If set to True todos containing todo: +SKIP will be disregarded. Defaults to False.


A list containing the todos from this file.
Expand source code
def extract_todos_from_file(file, testing=0, include_todo_after_code_line=False):
    """Parses a file and extracts todos in google-style formatted docstrings.

        file (str): Contents of file.

    Keyword Args:
        testing (bool, optional): If set to True todos containing `todo: +SKIP`
            will be disregarded. Defaults to False.

        list[str]: A list containing the todos from this file.


    # use ast to parse
    docs = []
    parsed_file = ast.parse(file)
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("Exclude this specific exception") from e
    for node in parsed_file.body:
        except TypeError:

    # append docstring todos to list:
    todos = []
    for doc in docs:
        if doc is None:
        blocks = doc.split('\n\n')
        for block in blocks:
            if 'Todo:' in block:
                block = '\n'.join(block.splitlines()[1:])
                block = block.split('* ')[1:]
                if not testing:
                    block = list(filter(lambda x: False if TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in x else True, block))
                block = [strip_line(line, with_todo=False) for line in block]
                block = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('\n ', '\n'), block))

    # get all comments lines starting with hash
    if not include_todo_after_code_line:
        comments_lines = list(
                lambda x: x.strip().replace('#', '', 1),
                    lambda y: True if y.strip().startswith('#') else False,
        comments_lines = []
        for line in file.splitlines():
            if '# todo' in line.lower():
                comments_lines.append(line.split('#', 1)[-1].strip().replace('#', '', 1))

    # iterate over them.
    for i, comment_line in enumerate(comments_lines):
        print(comment_line, not testing and TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in comment_line)
        if not testing and TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in comment_line:
        if comment_line.lower().strip().startswith('todo'):
            block = [strip_line(comment_line)]
            in_block = True
            j = i + 1
            while in_block:
                    todo_body = comments_lines[j].startswith('  ')
                except IndexError:
                    in_block = False
                if todo_body:
                    j += 1
                    in_block = False
            block = '\n'.join(block)

    # and return
    return todos
def get_body(issue, url, line_break)

Constructs a body with issue and url.


issue : Issue
An Issue instance.
url : str
The url constructed from GitHubClient.
line_break : str
The line-break used in GitHubClient.


A string with the body of the issue.
Expand source code
def get_body(issue, url, line_break):
    """Constructs a body with issue and url.

        issue (Issue): An `Issue` instance.
        url (str): The url constructed from `GitHubClient`.
        line_break (str): The line-break used in `GitHubClient`.

        str: A string with the body of the issue.

    formatted_issue_body = join_lines(issue, line_break)
    formatted = (formatted_issue_body + '\n\n'
                 + url + '\n\n'
                 + '```' + issue.markdown_language + '\n'
                 + issue.hunk + '\n'
                 + '```')
    return formatted
def is_todo_line(line, todos_before, todos_now, testing=0)

Two cases: Line starts with any combination of # Todo, or line starts with asterisk and is inside a napoleon docstring todo header.

Also filter out todo: +SKIP.


line : unidiff.Line
A line instance.
todos_before : list[str]
Todos from the source file.
todos_now : list[str]
Todos from the target file.

Keyword Args: testing (bool, optional): Set True for Testing. Defaults to False.


Either an empty string (bool('') = False), when line is not a todo line, or a str, when line is a todo line. todo: +SKIP.
Expand source code
def is_todo_line(line, todos_before, todos_now, testing=0):
    """Two cases: Line starts with any combination of # Todo, or line starts with
    asterisk and is inside a napoleon docstring todo header.

    Also filter out todo: +SKIP.

        line (unidiff.Line): A line instance.
        todos_before (list[str]): Todos from the source file.
        todos_now (list[str]): Todos from the target file.

    Keyword Args:
        testing (bool, optional): Set True for Testing. Defaults to False.

        str: Either an empty string (bool('') = False), when line is not a
            todo line, or a str, when line is a todo line. todo: +SKIP.

    if testing == 2 and line.value == 'I will add many.':
        raise Exception("STOP")
    # check if line has been added or removed
    if line.is_context:
        return ''
    elif line.is_added:
        todos = todos_now
        todos = todos_before

    # check whether line can be a todo line
    if, line.value, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE) and not TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in line.value:
        stripped_line = strip_line(line.value.replace('#', '', 1))
    elif, line.value, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE) and not TODO_SKIP_SUBSTRING in line.value:
        stripped_line = strip_line(line.value.replace('*', '', 1), with_todo=False)
        return ''

    # get the complete block
    # and build complete issue
    check = [stripped_line in t for t in todos]
    if any(check):
        index = check.index(True)
        block = todos[index]
        return block
        return ''
def join_lines(issue, line_break)

Joins lines using a defined line_break.


issue : Issue
An Issue instance.
line_break : str
The line-break used in GitHubClient.


A string with the formatted issue body.
Expand source code
def join_lines(issue, line_break):
    """Joins lines using a defined line_break.

        issue (Issue): An `Issue` instance.
        line_break (str): The line-break used in `GitHubClient`.

        str: A string with the formatted issue body.

    annotation = "This issue was automatically created by a github action that converts project Todos to issues."
    return annotation + '\n\n' + line_break.join(issue.body)
def main(testing)
Expand source code
def main(testing): # pragma: no cover
    if testing or os.getenv('INPUT_TESTING') == 'true':
        if not os.path.isfile('tests/'):
            raise Exception("Please switch the TESTING argument in your workflow.yml file to 'false'. Tests will only run in the python-todo-to-issue repository.")
        result = run_tests_from_main()
        if not result.wasSuccessful():
            print("Tests were not successful. Exiting.")
            print("Tests were successful")
        if 'INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE' in os.environ:
            todo_after_code_line = os.environ['INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE'] == 'true'
            todo_after_code_line = False
        if todo_after_code_line:
            print("Checking todos that occur after code lines.")
            print("Not Checking todos that occur after code lines.")
        from pprint import pprint
        client = GitHubClient()
        issues = client.existing_issues
        todo_parser = TodoParser(client=client)
        print('complete diff: ', todo_parser.diff)
        issues = todo_parser.issues
        print('all issues: ', issues)
        for i, issue in enumerate(issues):
            print(f"Processing issue {issue}.")
            if issue.status == LineStatus.ADDED:
                status_code = client.create_issue(issue)
                if status_code is None:
                    if status_code == 201:
                        print('Issue created')
                        print(f'Issue could not be created. The status code is {status_code}')
            elif issue.status == LineStatus.DELETED and os.getenv('INPUT_CLOSE_ISSUES') == 'true':
                status_code = client.close_issue(issue)
                if status_code is None:
                if isinstance(status_code, tuple):
                    if status_code[0] == 201:
                        print('Issue closed')
                        print(f"Could not close issue. The status code is {status_code[0]}")
                    if status_code[1] == 201:
                        print('Added close comment to issue')
                        print(f"Could not add a comment to issue. The status code is {status_code[1]}")
                    if status_code == 201:
                        print('Issue closed')
                        print(f"Could not close issue. The status code is {status_code}")
        print("Finished working through the issues.")
def run_tests_from_main()

Runs unit-tests when main() is called with testing = True.

Expand source code
def run_tests_from_main():
    """Runs unit-tests when `main()` is called with testing = True."""
    # load a file with secrets if there
        with open('secrets', 'r') as f:
            gh_token = f.readline()
        os.environ['INPUT_TOKEN'] = gh_token
    except FileNotFoundError:

    # run unittests
    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
    test_suite =, 'tests'),
    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
    result =
    return result
def strip_line(line, with_whitespace=True, with_todo=True)

Strips line from unwanted whitespace. comments chars, and 'todo'.


line : str
The line to be stripped.

Keyword Args: with_whitespace (bool, optional): Whether to strip the whitespace that follows the comment character '#'. Defaults to True. with_todo (bool, optional): Whether to replace case insensitive 'todo' strings.


The stripped line.
Expand source code
def strip_line(line, with_whitespace=True, with_todo=True):
    """Strips line from unwanted whitespace. comments chars, and 'todo'.

        line (str): The line to be stripped.

    Keyword Args:
        with_whitespace (bool, optional): Whether to strip the whitespace
            that follows the comment character '#'.
            Defaults to True.
        with_todo (bool, optional): Whether to replace case insensitive
            'todo' strings.

        str: The stripped line.

    if with_whitespace:
        line = line.strip().lstrip('#').lstrip()
        line = line.strip().lstrip('#')
    if with_todo:
        return re.split(r'(?i)todo(\s|\:)', line, 1, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)[-1].strip()
        return line


class GitHubClient (testing=0)

Class to interact with GitHub, read and create issues.

This class interacts with GitHub via and reads issues from repositories. The default behavior is, that it uses git-python to get the url of the current remote origin. This name of the repo is usually built like this: user_name/repo_name or org_name/repo_name. git-python is also used to get the sha of the current commit and the previous commit.

About tokens: To work with private repos and to have the ability to close issues in a repository, this class needs github token, sometimes also called a secret. The secret can be created in your github account. Visit and click 'Generate a new token'. Check the 'repo' scope and give the token a descriptive name. If the repo lies within an organisation, the token of a user with access rights to the org repo, will suffice.

About secrets: This token should not fall into the wrong hands. However, in production and in testing the token is needed. In production, the token can be provided as a secret. Add the token as a secret in the settings page of your repo. In testing, the token is provided by placing a file called 'secrets' in the repo's root directory.


existing_issues : list
A list of existing issues.
testing : bool
Used, when this class is used in testing. Changes some behaviors.
repo : str
A string of 'user_name/repo_name' or 'org_name/repo_name' which identifies the repo on
sha : str
The 7 character sha hash of the current commit.
before : str
The 7 character sha hash of the previous commit.
token : str
A github token.
base_url : str
A string containing ''.
repos_url : str
base_url + 'repos/'
issues_url : str
GitHub API url pointing to a url with the current repo's issues.
issue_headers : dict
A dict to provide to requests.get() as header.

Instantiate the GitHubClient.

Keyword Args: testing (bool, optional): Whether class is used during testing.

Expand source code
class GitHubClient():
    """Class to interact with GitHub, read and create issues.

    This class interacts with GitHub via and reads issues from
    repositories. The default behavior is, that it uses git-python to get the
    url of the current remote origin. This name of the repo is usually built
    like this: user_name/repo_name or org_name/repo_name. git-python is also
    used to get the sha of the current commit and the previous commit.

    About tokens: To work with private repos and to have the ability to close
    issues in a repository, this class needs github token, sometimes also called
    a secret. The secret can be created in your github account. Visit and click 'Generate a new token'. Check
    the 'repo' scope and give the token a descriptive name. If the repo lies
    within an organisation, the token of a user with access rights to the org
    repo, will suffice.

    About secrets: This token should not fall into the wrong hands. However, in
    production and in testing the token is needed. In production, the token can
    be provided as a secret. Add the token as a secret in the settings page of
    your repo. In testing, the token is provided by placing a file called
    'secrets' in the repo's root directory.

        existing_issues (list): A list of existing issues.
        testing (bool): Used, when this class is used in testing. Changes some
        repo (str): A string of 'user_name/repo_name' or 'org_name/repo_name'
            which identifies the repo on
        sha (str): The 7 character sha hash of the current commit.
        before (str): The 7 character sha hash of the previous commit.
        token (str): A github token.
        base_url (str): A string containing ''.
        repos_url (str): base_url + 'repos/'
        issues_url (str): GitHub API url pointing to a url with the current
            repo's issues.
        issue_headers (dict): A dict to provide to requests.get() as header.


    def __init__(self, testing=0):
        """Instantiate the GitHubClient.

        Keyword Args:
            testing (bool, optional): Whether class is used during testing.

        # set some attributes right from the start
        self.existing_issues = []
        self.testing = testing

        self.repo = os.environ['INPUT_REPO']
        self.sha = os.environ['INPUT_SHA']
        self.before = os.environ['INPUT_BEFORE']

        # get before and current hash
        if self.testing == 1:
            self.sha = '036ef2ca'
            self.before = '11858e41'
        elif self.testing == 2:
            self.sha = '7fae83cc'
            self.before = '036ef2ca'

        # get the token from environment variables
        self.token = os.getenv('INPUT_TOKEN')

        # define line break. Can also be \n\n which formats multi-line todos
        # nicer.
        self.line_break = '\n'

        # set other attributes
        self.base_url = ''
        self.repos_url = f'{self.base_url}repos/'
        self.issues_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/issues'
        self.issue_headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'

        # get current issues

    def get_specific_diff(self, before, after):
        """Get the diff based on specific commits"""
        diff_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/compare/{before}...{after}'
        diff_headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3.diff',
            'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'
        diff_request = requests.get(url=diff_url, headers=diff_headers)
        if diff_request.status_code == 200:
            return diff_request.text
        raise Exception('Could not retrieve diff. Operation will abort.')

    def get_last_diff(self):
        """Get the last diff based on the SHA of the last two commits."""
        diff_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/compare/{self.before}...{self.sha}'
        diff_headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3.diff',
            'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'
        diff_request = requests.get(url=diff_url, headers=diff_headers)
        if diff_request.status_code == 200:
            return diff_request.text
        raise Exception('Could not retrieve diff. Operation will abort.')

    def get_file_at_commit(self, filepath, commit):
        """Returns a string, with the file contents at the current hashed commit.

            filepath (str): Path to the file from repo root.
            commit (str): The short-hash, 7-digit commit.

              str: The contents of the file.

        raw_file_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/contents/{filepath}?ref={commit}'
        raw_file_headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw',
            'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'
        raw_file_request = requests.get(url=raw_file_url, headers=raw_file_headers)
        if raw_file_request.status_code == 200:
            return raw_file_request.text

    def _get_repo_url(self, remote_url):
        """Construct repo url from ssh or https repo urls"""
        if '@' not in remote_url:
            self.repo = remote_url.lstrip('').rstrip('.git')
            self.repo = remote_url.lstrip('').rstrip('.git')

    def _get_existing_issues(self, page=1):
        """Populate the existing issues list."""
        params = {
            'per_page': 100,
            'page': page,
            'state': 'open',
            'labels': 'todo'
        list_issues_request = requests.get(self.issues_url, headers=self.issue_headers, params=params)
        if list_issues_request.status_code == 200:
            # check
            links = list_issues_request.links
            if 'next' in links:
                self._get_existing_issues(page + 1)

    def is_same_issue(issue, other_issue, line_break):
        """Compares two issues.

            issue (Issue): Instance of `Issue`.
            other_issue (dict): Json dict returned from GitHub API of another issue.
            url_to_line (str): The url built by the `GitHubClient`.
            line_break (str): The line-break used in `GitHubClient`.

            bool: Whether issues are identical or not.

        # check title
        a = issue.title == other_issue['title']
        if not '' in other_issue['body']:
            return a
            # check issue text
            this_text = join_lines(issue, line_break).rstrip()
            other_text = other_issue['body'].split('')[0].rstrip()
            b = this_text == other_text

        return a and b

    def create_issue(self, issue):
        """Creates issue on github from an Issue class.

        Keyword Args:
            issue (Issue): An instance of the `Issue` class in this document.

        # truncate issue title if too long
        title = issue.title
        if len(title) > 80:
            title = title[:80] + '...'

        # define url to line
        url_to_line = f'{self.repo}/blob/{self.sha}/{issue.file_name}#L{issue.start_line}'

        # construct the issue body
        body = get_body(issue, url_to_line, self.line_break)

        # Alastair Mooney's has problems with rebasing. Let's see how this works out
        # One could use GitHub's GraphQL API
        for existing_issue in self.existing_issues:
            if self.__class__.is_same_issue(issue, existing_issue, self.line_break):
                # The issue_id matching means the issue issues are identical.
                print(f'Skipping issue (already exists)')

        new_issue_body = {'title': title, 'body': body, 'labels': issue.labels}

        # check whether milestones are existent
        if issue.milestone:
            milestone_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/milestones/{issue.milestone}'
            milestone_request = requests.get(url=milestone_url, headers=self.issue_headers)
            if milestone_request.status_code == 200:
                new_issue_body['milestone'] = issue.milestone
                print(f'Milestone {issue.milestone} does not exist! Dropping this parameter!')

        # check whether label exists
        valid_assignees = []
        for assignee in issue.assignees:
            assignee_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/assignees/{assignee}'
            assignee_request = requests.get(url=assignee_url, headers=self.issue_headers)
            if assignee_request.status_code == 204:
                print(f'Assignee {assignee} does not exist! Dropping this assignee!')
        new_issue_body['assignees'] = valid_assignees

        new_issue_request =, headers=self.issue_headers,

        return new_issue_request.status_code

    def close_issue(self, issue):
        """Check to see if this issue can be found on GitHub and if so close it.
        Keyword Args:
            issue (Issue): An instance of the `Issue` class in this document.
        matched = 0
        issue_number = None
        for existing_issue in self.existing_issues:
            # This is admittedly a simple check that may not work in complex scenarios, but we can't deal with them yet.
            if self.__class__.is_same_issue(issue, existing_issue, self.line_break):
                matched += 1
                # If there are multiple issues with similar titles, don't try and close any.
                if matched > 1:
                    print(f'Skipping issue (multiple matches)')
                issue_number = existing_issue['number']
            if matched == 0 and self.testing:
                raise Exception(f"Couldn't match issue {issue.title}, {issue.body}")
                # The titles match, so we will try and close the issue.
                update_issue_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/issues/{issue_number}'
                body = {'state': 'closed'}
                close_issue_request = requests.patch(update_issue_url, headers=self.issue_headers, data=json.dumps(body))

                issue_comment_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/issues/{issue_number}/comments'
                body = {'body': f'Closed in {self.sha}'}
                update_issue_request =, headers=self.issue_headers,
                return update_issue_request.status_code, close_issue_request.status_code

Static methods

def is_same_issue(issue, other_issue, line_break)

Compares two issues.


issue : Issue
Instance of Issue.
other_issue : dict
Json dict returned from GitHub API of another issue.
url_to_line : str
The url built by the GitHubClient.
line_break : str
The line-break used in GitHubClient.

Returns bool: Whether issues are identical or not.

Expand source code
def is_same_issue(issue, other_issue, line_break):
    """Compares two issues.

        issue (Issue): Instance of `Issue`.
        other_issue (dict): Json dict returned from GitHub API of another issue.
        url_to_line (str): The url built by the `GitHubClient`.
        line_break (str): The line-break used in `GitHubClient`.

        bool: Whether issues are identical or not.

    # check title
    a = issue.title == other_issue['title']
    if not '' in other_issue['body']:
        return a
        # check issue text
        this_text = join_lines(issue, line_break).rstrip()
        other_text = other_issue['body'].split('')[0].rstrip()
        b = this_text == other_text

    return a and b


def close_issue(self, issue)

Check to see if this issue can be found on GitHub and if so close it.

Keyword Args: issue (Issue): An instance of the Issue class in this document.

Expand source code
def close_issue(self, issue):
    """Check to see if this issue can be found on GitHub and if so close it.
    Keyword Args:
        issue (Issue): An instance of the `Issue` class in this document.
    matched = 0
    issue_number = None
    for existing_issue in self.existing_issues:
        # This is admittedly a simple check that may not work in complex scenarios, but we can't deal with them yet.
        if self.__class__.is_same_issue(issue, existing_issue, self.line_break):
            matched += 1
            # If there are multiple issues with similar titles, don't try and close any.
            if matched > 1:
                print(f'Skipping issue (multiple matches)')
            issue_number = existing_issue['number']
        if matched == 0 and self.testing:
            raise Exception(f"Couldn't match issue {issue.title}, {issue.body}")
            # The titles match, so we will try and close the issue.
            update_issue_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/issues/{issue_number}'
            body = {'state': 'closed'}
            close_issue_request = requests.patch(update_issue_url, headers=self.issue_headers, data=json.dumps(body))

            issue_comment_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/issues/{issue_number}/comments'
            body = {'body': f'Closed in {self.sha}'}
            update_issue_request =, headers=self.issue_headers,
            return update_issue_request.status_code, close_issue_request.status_code
def create_issue(self, issue)

Creates issue on github from an Issue class.

Keyword Args: issue (Issue): An instance of the Issue class in this document.

Expand source code
def create_issue(self, issue):
    """Creates issue on github from an Issue class.

    Keyword Args:
        issue (Issue): An instance of the `Issue` class in this document.

    # truncate issue title if too long
    title = issue.title
    if len(title) > 80:
        title = title[:80] + '...'

    # define url to line
    url_to_line = f'{self.repo}/blob/{self.sha}/{issue.file_name}#L{issue.start_line}'

    # construct the issue body
    body = get_body(issue, url_to_line, self.line_break)

    # Alastair Mooney's has problems with rebasing. Let's see how this works out
    # One could use GitHub's GraphQL API
    for existing_issue in self.existing_issues:
        if self.__class__.is_same_issue(issue, existing_issue, self.line_break):
            # The issue_id matching means the issue issues are identical.
            print(f'Skipping issue (already exists)')

    new_issue_body = {'title': title, 'body': body, 'labels': issue.labels}

    # check whether milestones are existent
    if issue.milestone:
        milestone_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/milestones/{issue.milestone}'
        milestone_request = requests.get(url=milestone_url, headers=self.issue_headers)
        if milestone_request.status_code == 200:
            new_issue_body['milestone'] = issue.milestone
            print(f'Milestone {issue.milestone} does not exist! Dropping this parameter!')

    # check whether label exists
    valid_assignees = []
    for assignee in issue.assignees:
        assignee_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/assignees/{assignee}'
        assignee_request = requests.get(url=assignee_url, headers=self.issue_headers)
        if assignee_request.status_code == 204:
            print(f'Assignee {assignee} does not exist! Dropping this assignee!')
    new_issue_body['assignees'] = valid_assignees

    new_issue_request =, headers=self.issue_headers,

    return new_issue_request.status_code
def get_file_at_commit(self, filepath, commit)

Returns a string, with the file contents at the current hashed commit.


filepath : str
Path to the file from repo root.
commit : str
The short-hash, 7-digit commit.


The contents of the file.
Expand source code
def get_file_at_commit(self, filepath, commit):
    """Returns a string, with the file contents at the current hashed commit.

        filepath (str): Path to the file from repo root.
        commit (str): The short-hash, 7-digit commit.

          str: The contents of the file.

    raw_file_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/contents/{filepath}?ref={commit}'
    raw_file_headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw',
        'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'
    raw_file_request = requests.get(url=raw_file_url, headers=raw_file_headers)
    if raw_file_request.status_code == 200:
        return raw_file_request.text
def get_last_diff(self)

Get the last diff based on the SHA of the last two commits.

Expand source code
def get_last_diff(self):
    """Get the last diff based on the SHA of the last two commits."""
    diff_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/compare/{self.before}...{self.sha}'
    diff_headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3.diff',
        'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'
    diff_request = requests.get(url=diff_url, headers=diff_headers)
    if diff_request.status_code == 200:
        return diff_request.text
    raise Exception('Could not retrieve diff. Operation will abort.')
def get_specific_diff(self, before, after)

Get the diff based on specific commits

Expand source code
def get_specific_diff(self, before, after):
    """Get the diff based on specific commits"""
    diff_url = f'{self.repos_url}{self.repo}/compare/{before}...{after}'
    diff_headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3.diff',
        'Authorization': f'token {self.token}'
    diff_request = requests.get(url=diff_url, headers=diff_headers)
    if diff_request.status_code == 200:
        return diff_request.text
    raise Exception('Could not retrieve diff. Operation will abort.')
class Issue (testing=0, **kwargs)

Issue class, filled with attributes to create issues from.


title : str
The title of the issue.
labels : list[str]
Labels, that should be added to the issue. Default labels contains the 'todo' label.
assignees : list[str]
Can be []. Assignees need to be maintainer of the repository.
milestone : Union[str, None]
Can be None. Milestone needs to be one of the already defined milestones in the repo.
body : list[str]
The lines of the issue body. The issue body will automatically appended with a useful url and a markdown code block defined in hunk.
hunk : str
Newline separated string of code, that produced the todo.
file_name : str
Name of the file that produced the todo. If file is somewhere, the path starting from repo root needs te be included.
start_line : str
The line where the todo comment starts.
markdown_language : str
The language of hunk.
status : LineStatus
An instance of the LineStatus Enum class.
Expand source code
class Issue:
    """Issue class, filled with attributes to create issues from.

        title (str): The title of the issue.
        labels (list[str]): Labels, that should be added to the issue. Default
            labels contains the 'todo' label.
        assignees (list[str]): Can be []. Assignees need to be maintainer
            of the repository.
        milestone (Union[str, None]): Can be None. Milestone needs to be one of
            the already defined milestones in the repo.
        body (list[str]): The lines of the issue body. The issue body will
            automatically appended with a useful url and a markdown code block
            defined in `hunk`.
        hunk (str): Newline separated string of code, that produced the todo.
        file_name (str): Name of the file that produced the todo. If file is
            somewhere, the path starting from repo root needs te be included.
        start_line (str): The line where the todo comment starts.
        markdown_language (str): The language of `hunk`.
        status (LineStatus): An instance of the `LineStatus` Enum class.


    def __init__(self, testing=0, **kwargs):
        if testing:
            for key, val in testing_values.items():
                self.__setattr__(key, val)

        for key, val in kwargs.items():
            self.__setattr__(key, val)
        for key in testing_values.keys():
            except AttributeError:
                raise TypeError(f'__init__() missing 1 required argument: {key}')
        if 'todo' not in self.labels:

    def __str__(self):
        string = f"Title: {self.title}, assignees: [{', '.join(self.assignees)}], milestone: {self.milestone}, status: {self.status}]\n"
        return string

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()
class LineStatus (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Represents the status of a line in a diff file.

Expand source code
class LineStatus(Enum):
    """Represents the status of a line in a diff file."""
    ADDED = 0
    DELETED = 1


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

class ToDo (line, block, hunk, file)

Class that parses google-style docstring todos from git diff hunks.


line : unidiff.Line
The line that triggered this todo.
block : list[str]
The lines following the title of multi-line todos. Every line is one string in this list of str.
status : LineStatus
The status of the ToDo. Can be ADDED or DELETED>
markdown_language : str
What markdown language to use. Defaults to 'python'.
hunk : unidiff.Hunk
The hunk that contains the line. Will be converted to code block in the issue.
file_name : str
The path of the file from which the todo was extracted.
target_line : Union[str, int]
The line number from which the todo was raised. Is used to create a permalink url to that line.
assignees : list[str]
The assignees of the issue.
labels : list[str]
The labels of the issue.
milestone : Union[None, str]
The milestone of the issue.
title : str
The title of the issue, once the block input argument has been parsed.
body : Union[str, list[str]]
The body of the issue. Can be empty string (no body_, or list of str for every line in body.

Instantiate the ToDo Class.


line : unidiff.Line
The line from which the todo was raised.
block : str
The complete indented block, the ToDo was raised from. Including the title.
hunk : unidiff.Hunk
The hunk of diff from wich the todo was triggered.
file : unidiff.File
The file, from which the diff was extracted.
Expand source code
class ToDo:
    """Class that parses google-style docstring todos from git diff hunks.

        line (unidiff.Line): The line that triggered this todo.
        block (list[str]): The lines following the title of multi-line
            todos. Every line is one string in this list of str.
        status (LineStatus): The status of the ToDo. Can be ADDED or DELETED>
        markdown_language (str): What markdown language to use. Defaults to
        hunk (unidiff.Hunk): The hunk that contains the line. Will be converted
            to code block in the issue.
        file_name (str): The path of the file from which the todo was extracted.
        target_line (Union[str, int]): The line number from which the
            todo was raised. Is used to create a permalink url to that line.
        assignees (list[str]): The assignees of the issue.
        labels (list[str]): The labels of the issue.
        milestone (Union[None, str]): The milestone of the issue.
        title (str): The title of the issue, once the block input
            argument has been parsed.
        body (Union[str, list[str]]): The body of the issue. Can be empty string
            (no body_, or list of str for every line in body.


    def __init__(self, line, block, hunk, file):
        """Instantiate the ToDo Class.

            line (unidiff.Line): The line from which the todo was raised.
            block (str): The complete indented block, the ToDo was raised from.
                Including the title.
            hunk (unidiff.Hunk): The hunk of diff from wich the todo was triggered.
            file (unidiff.File): The file, from which the diff was

        self.line = line

        if line.is_added:
            self.status = LineStatus.ADDED
            self.status = LineStatus.DELETED

        self.block = block.strip()
        self.markdown_language = 'python'
        self.hunk = ''.join([l.value for l in hunk.target_lines()])
        if self.hunk.count('"""') == 1:
            if '"""' in self.hunk[:int(len(self.hunk) / 2)]:
                self.hunk = self.hunk + '"""\n'
                self.hunk = '"""\n' + self.hunk
        self.file_name = file.target_file.lstrip('b/')
        self.target_line = line.target_line_no

        # parse the block

    def _parse_block(self):
        """Parses the `block` argument and extacts more info."""
        lines = self.block.split('\n')
        lines, self.assignees = _get_assignees(lines)
        lines, self.labels = _get_labels(lines)
        lines, self.milestone = _get_milestone(lines)
        if len(lines) > 1:
            self.title, self.body = lines[0].lstrip(), '\n'.join(lines[1:])
            self.body = [line.lstrip() for line in self.body.splitlines()]
            self.title = lines[0].lstrip()
            self.body = ""

    def issue(self):
        issue = Issue(
            labels=['todo'] + self.labels,
        return issue

    def __bool__(self):
        return True

Instance variables

var issue
Expand source code
def issue(self):
    issue = Issue(
        labels=['todo'] + self.labels,
    return issue
class TodoParser (testing=0, client=None)

Class that parses git diffs and looks for todo strings.

First things first, the Todos can be skipped with a syntax similar to doctest. Adding 'todo: +SKIP' to the line skips the todo. The example todos which follow now all contain this SKIP command, because we don't want this class to raise issues in the explanatory section. Here are examples of how to put todos that will be picked up by this parser:


A single commented line starting with todo (case insensitive).::

# todo: This needs to be looked into. todo: +SKIP

Using parentheses, you can assign people to todos. If these people are part of the github repo, they will be assigned to the issue, that is raised from this todo. Please use their github username::

# todo (tensorflower-gardener): Tensorflow's bot should fix this. todo: +SKIP

With extended syntax you can add existing labels and exisitng milestones to your todos.::

# todo: This is the title of the todo. todo: +SKIP
#  Further text is indented by a single space. It will appear
#  In the body of the issue. You can add assignees, and labels
#  with this syntax. The <code>todo</code> label will automatically
#  added to your labels.
#  assignees: github_user, kevinsawade, another_user
#  labels: devel, urgent
#  milestones: alpha

Besides these in-comment todos, this class also scans for google-style todo's in python docstrings.::

def myfunc(arg1):
    '''This is a docstring.

        arg1: A thing.

        * Single-line Todo. Add more documentation. todo: +SKIP
        * (kevinsawade) We should also add some actual code. todo: +SKIP
        * Multi-line todos should follow google-styleguide. todo: +SKIP
            This means a tab should be used as indentation inside
            the docstrings. This will form the body of the issue.
            Assignees and labels can be added the same way:
            assignees: github_user2, user3
            labels: wontfix, devel
            milestones: alpha



issues : list[Issue]
A list of Issue instances.
testing : bool
Whether testing is carried out.
repo : str
A url to the current repo.

Instantiate the TodoParser class.

Keyword Args: testing (bool, optional): Whether testing is carried out with this class. Defaults to False. client (GitHubClient): Instance of github client to precent multiple instantiation.

Expand source code
class TodoParser:
    """Class that parses git diffs and looks for todo strings.

    First things first, the Todos can be skipped with a syntax similar to doctest.
    Adding 'todo: +SKIP' to the line skips the todo. The example
    todos which follow now all contain this SKIP command, because we don't want
    this class to raise issues in the explanatory section. Here are examples of
    how to put todos that will be picked up by this parser:

        A single commented line starting with todo (case insensitive).::

            # todo: This needs to be looked into. todo: +SKIP

        Using parentheses, you can assign people to todos. If these people are
        part of the github repo, they will be assigned to the issue, that is
        raised from this todo. Please use their github username::

            # todo (tensorflower-gardener): Tensorflow's bot should fix this. todo: +SKIP

        With extended syntax you can add existing labels and exisitng milestones
        to your todos.::

            # todo: This is the title of the todo. todo: +SKIP
            #  Further text is indented by a single space. It will appear
            #  In the body of the issue. You can add assignees, and labels
            #  with this syntax. The `todo` label will automatically
            #  added to your labels.
            #  assignees: github_user, kevinsawade, another_user
            #  labels: devel, urgent
            #  milestones: alpha

        Besides these in-comment todos, this class also scans for google-style
        todo's in python docstrings.::

            def myfunc(arg1):
                '''This is a docstring.

                    arg1: A thing.

                    * Single-line Todo. Add more documentation. todo: +SKIP
                    * (kevinsawade) We should also add some actual code. todo: +SKIP
                    * Multi-line todos should follow google-styleguide. todo: +SKIP
                        This means a tab should be used as indentation inside
                        the docstrings. This will form the body of the issue.
                        Assignees and labels can be added the same way:
                        assignees: github_user2, user3
                        labels: wontfix, devel
                        milestones: alpha


        issues (list[Issue]): A list of Issue instances.
        testing (bool): Whether testing is carried out.
        repo (str): A url to the current repo.


    def __init__(self, testing=0, client=None):
        """Instantiate the TodoParser class.

        Keyword Args:
            testing (bool, optional): Whether testing is carried out with this
                class. Defaults to False.
            client (GitHubClient): Instance of github client to precent multiple

        self.testing = testing
        self.issues = []
        if client is None:
            self.client = GitHubClient(testing=self.testing)
            self.client = client

    def _parse(self):
        """Parse the diffs and search for todos in added lines."""
        # read env variables
        self.repo = os.environ['INPUT_REPO']
        self.sha = os.environ['INPUT_SHA']
        self.before = os.environ['INPUT_BEFORE']
        if 'INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE' in os.environ:
            if isinstance(os.environ['INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE'], str):
                self.include_todo_after_code_line = os.environ['INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE'] in ['true', 'True']
                self.include_todo_after_code_line = os.environ['INPUT_INCLUDE_TODO_AFTER_CODE_LINE']
            self.include_todo_after_code_line = False

        # get before and current hash
        if self.testing == 1:
            self.sha = '036ef2c'
            self.before = '11858e4'
            self.diff = self.client.get_specific_diff(self.before, self.sha)
        elif self.testing == 2:
            self.sha = '7fae83c'
            self.before = '036ef2c'
            self.diff = self.client.get_specific_diff(self.before, self.sha)
        elif self.testing == 3:
            self.sha = '67b1e23'
            self.before = '63fa247'
            self.diff = self.client.get_specific_diff(self.before, self.sha)
            self.diff = self.client.get_last_diff()

        # create patchset from diff
        patchset = PatchSet(self.diff)

        for file in patchset:
            # handle the file before
            file_before = file.source_file.lstrip('a/')
            if file_before == 'dev/null':
                file_before = StringIO('')
                file_before = StringIO(self.client.get_file_at_commit(file_before, self.before))

            # handle the file after
            file_after = file.target_file.lstrip('b/')
            if not file_after.endswith('.py'):
            file_after = StringIO(self.client.get_file_at_commit(file_after, self.sha))

            # parse before and after todos
            with file_before as f:
                todos_before = extract_todos_from_file(, self.testing, self.include_todo_after_code_line)
            with file_after as f:
                todos_now = extract_todos_from_file(, self.testing, self.include_todo_after_code_line)

            # iterate over hunks and lines
            for hunk in file:
                lines = list(hunk.source_lines()) + list(hunk.target_lines())
                for i, line in enumerate(lines):
                    if block := is_todo_line(line, todos_before, todos_now, self.testing):
                        todo = ToDo(line, block, hunk, file)
                        issue = todo.issue